These are the main features of the ataSTORE online store:
Easy to use
Noneed fortechnical skills tomanagethe store
Easy and intuitiveenvironment
Custom designaccording to theclient's corporateimage
Without any limit ofitems, categories,disk usage or numberof sales
Continuousimprovement process
EvolutionaryMaintenance:continuously developingnew features thatwillbe addedautomatically toexistingstoresby improvingtheir performance.
Rates without surprises
We look at your case and then we deliver you a closed budget, without hidden costs.
The rate includessoftware, hosting, consultingandimplementationof the store.
Cutting Edge Technology
Cloud computing
Resultsoptimized for best positioninginnaturalsearch
Payment methods
Credit card
Bar code
Direct debit
Cash on delivery
Paymentand pick upin store
Tasks included
Domain and email management
Maximum possibilitiesof integratingCustomer ERP
Possibility of integration of ataBUSINESS, the billing andcustomers management software
Customer Service
Personal care
User manual
Web analytics
Weekly statistics delivered to your inbox
Google Shopping Integration
Your products will appear automatically on the Google products results
Your products will appear highlighted with pictures in Google search results
About ataSTORE
ataSTORE is the most flexible, robust and powerful software for e-commerce in the market, with unbeatable value for cost, that is easily and intuitively handled.